services overview
Strong Expertise In Financial Services
Today’s winning organizations need a combination of strategic insight, domain expertise, data, and technology. That is why our complements its traditional consulting excellence with solutions: technologies and specialized teams that deliver results.
type of service
Service Info
Today’s winning organizations need a combination of strategic insight, domain expertise, data, and technology. That is why our complements its traditional consulting excellence with solutions: technologies and specialized teams that deliver results.
When our solutions are integrated – either during or outside of consulting engagements – they make an immediate impact on business performance. Because solutions are measurable and repeatable, they allow business leaders to make rigorous, data-driven decisions on the biggest challenges facing their organizations. Through our solutions, our company combines technology, proprietary data, and extensive expertise in order to significantly improve an organization’s performance and health:
Management technology gives managers the applications they need in order to act more effectively and focus on what’s essential.
Unleash Your Team’s Productive Power
The truly scarce resources now are the time, the talent, and the energy of the people in your organization
who we offer
Services Profile
For more than 40 years, we’ve been passionate about achieving better results for our clients.
We’ve worked with the majority of regional and local organizations, hundreds of nonprofits, and private equity funds.
- Large multinational corporations
- Leading private equity firms
- Midsize companies
- Small start-ups
- Nonprofit organizations
We’ve worked with the majority of regional and local organizations, hundreds of nonprofits, and private equity funds.
- Large multinational corporations
- Small start-ups
- Leading private equity firms
- Midsize companies
- Nonprofit organizations
We’ve worked with the majority of regional and local organizations, hundreds of nonprofits, and private equity funds.
- Leading private equity firms
- Midsize companies
- Small start-ups
- Nonprofit organizations
- Large multinational corporations
Success Stats
Advanced plan great for online, small & local businesses
Advanced plan great for online, small & local businesses
Advanced plan great for online, small & local businesses
Advanced plan great for online, small & local businesses
who we are
Meet Our Team
We Enjoy Working
Ce que les gens Say
Nirvishi m’a beaucoup aidé à un moment critique de ma vie. J’ai toujours eu un esprit très cartésien et les émotions n’ont jamais été mon sujet préféré… Vishi a su trouver les mots justes pour me toucher et me faire réaliser que je ressentais des émotions qui était ni comprises ni apprivoisées. Elle m’a appris…
Quand j'ai commencé à faire des séances avec mon professeur Nirvishi Jawaheer, j'ai pu découvrir en discutant certaines de mes pensées que leurs sentiments émotionnels sous-jacents dictaient la façon dont je me comportais. Ces sentiments forts ont assombri ma façon de penser et le coaching intégral m'a permis de bien les comprendre. Je suis maintenant structurée en…
Gentille, Compréhensive. Un grand cœur aidant les autres dans toutes les situations. Depuis la première fois que j'ai pu parler à Nirvishi en 2016 jusqu'à maintenant, je peux dire que ma vie, et plus important encore, mon point de vue et mon attitude dans la vie, ont radicalement changé pour le mieux. Nirvishi maîtrise l'art de modifier objectivement votre processus de pensée,…