I LOVE working
What People Say about me
Vishi m’a beaucoup aidé à un moment critique de ma vie. J’ai toujours eu un esprit très cartésien et les émotions n’ont jamais été mon sujet préféré… Vishi a su trouver les mots justes pour me toucher et me faire réaliser que je ressentais des émotions qui était ni comprises ni apprivoisées. Elle m’a appris…
When I first started doing sessions with my teacher Nirvishi Jawaheer, I was able to discover through discussing some of my thoughts that their was underlying emotional feelings that dictated how I behaved. These strong feelings clouded my way of thinking and integral coaching enabled me to understand them thoroughly. I am now structured in…
Kind. Understanding. A big heart helping others in any situation. From the first time I actually got to talk to Nirvishi in 2016 until now, I can say my life , and more importantly, my perspective and attitude in life, have drastically changed for the better. Nirvishi masters the art of objectively shifting your thinkingprocess,…
Le coaching a littéralement changé ma vie et fait de moi la personne que je suis aujourd’hui. Ça m’a aidé à assumer pleinement mes décisions, à mieux comprendre et gérer mes émotions, à trouver le courage de dire non, à assumer mes différences… Mille mercis à ma coach Vishi de m’avoir aidé à accepter mon…
I’ve been lucky to meet Nirvishi in my life and get coached by her. She’s patient and kind. One thing that I really loved about our sessions is that she let me speak and made sure I was finished saying what I needed to say before she spoke. She asked me questions that I never…